Peril of pride
It seems to me that Lucifer became Satan as a result of pride. He wanted to be the biggest noise at the party. He wanted to be bigger than God. Because his desire was and is doomed to failure, he is envious of all that is of God.
As a result, it seems to me that Satan hates God's creation and would do anything he could to vitiate or pervert creation.
Also, it seems to me that Satan's power is derived through tempting beings that have free will (humans) with increased power of their own. So, he relies on us to destroy creation by tempting us with the knowledge of good and evil or the power to control our own destinies independently from God's designs.
One such temptation is manifested in the form of monoculture agriculture. Monoculturing gives us more food to fuel increased population growth. This has given us bigger armies throughout civilized history and thus more power to defeat our enemies. Monoculturing requires the destruction of entire ecosystems (parts of God's creation) in order to grow one species of plant. This is a perversion of creation caused by Satan successfully tempting us.
How can we avoid this temptation of power?
Perennial polyculture is a better way to do agriculture that more closely mimics God's creation. Eating foods derived from perennial plants that grow with other species of perennial plants is a good way to go. My favorite example of this is pastured meat (grass fed beef). Remember, Abel, the shepherd, was favored over Cain, the tiller of the land.
I must worship creation now by going outside to exercise with the help of God's gravity. After that, I will move the goats that are helping me to manage a pasture.
Thanks be to God
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